T Martyn Gough ~ Registered Member ISPC (Fellow) and NCPS (Snr. Accred)

I am a qualified counsellor and Fellow of The International Society of Psychotherapy and Counselling and a Senior Accredited Member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and I work within their Ethical Frameworks.
I am also a UKRCP Registered Independent Counsellor/ Psychotherapist.
Sessions are confidential, usually 1.5 hours duration and charged currently at £75 for individuals, £90 for couples and £100 for families, with concessions available in certain circumstances.
Most counsellors in the Epsom area charge similar fees for typically 50 minute sessions but I have found that 90 minute sessions are beneficial to my clients and so my charges are approximately half the cost of most other therapists.
Some issues can be resolved or improved in short term therapy, some require a longer term committment.

I hold an Advanced Certificate in Counselling, an FdA in Integrative-Relational Counselling and a BA(Hons) in Counselling.
Spiritual Healer
As well as being a Fellow of ISPC and a Senior Accredited Member of the NCPS, I also hold 'Approved Healer' status as a spiritual healer, having passed the written, oral and practical examinations of the Spiritualists National Union (SNU).
Opening up to a higher awareness has led me towards helping others to understand their own inner-selves by examining their basic assumptions or concepts around which their ‘world’ or ‘reality’ is constructed.In parallel with the psychological approach, which has a tendency to look at feelings of worthlessness, I have also been more used to examining the concept of worthlessness; instead of the experience of separation the concept of separation.
Yoga Teacher

I additionally have been engaged in Yoga for fifty years and have been Accredited as a Yoga Teacher by The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), and both the science and philosophy of Yoga inform my practice as a counsellor.
Certain counselling styles suit some people more than others, so I draw from a range of approaches to provide the right support for you.
I work from a holistic approach looking at your troublesome or painful experiences as well as the underlying causes which have caused you to experience life through your particularly unique perspective.
Publications and Writings

The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) publish a monthly magazine "COUNSELLING MATTERS" and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) publish a monthly magazine "THERAPY TODAY" and quarterly two journals "THRESHOLDS" and "PRIVATE PRACTICE", for therapists and other professionals to which I occassionally submit letters or articles which are published.
Below are some papers which represent my thoughts and perspective.

"All You Need is Love"
Published in the December 2024 Issue of Counselling Matters; NCPS monthly journal.
This article explores the phenomenon of unconditional love, its transpersonal nature and its role in healing within the therapeutic relationship.

"Hitting the Nail on the Head"
Published in June 2022 Issue of the BACP quarterly Journal Private Practice
This article explores the integration of quantum physics, counselling theories and the science and philosophy of yoga.

"Mother and Daughter Relationships"
Published in March 2022 Issue of the BACP quarterly Journal Private Practice
This article explores the phenomenon of patriarchy on mother and daughter relationships.

"All You Need is Love"
Published in the Spring 2012 Issue of the APSCC;s Quarterly Journal Thresholds
This article explores the phenomenon of unconditional love, its transpersonal nature and its role in healing within the therapeutic relationship.

"Yoga's True Science"
Published in Volume 23, Issue 9, November 2012 issue of BACP's Therapy Today
An explanation of why and how the science and philosophy of yoga have a vital role to play both in the development of counselling and in the development of individual and world consciousness as a whole.

Ethical Dilemmas in Counselling
Published in Volume 22, Issue 10, December 2011 issue of BACP's Therapy Today
An exploration of ethical dilemmas arising from parents paying for their child's therapy sessions.

I have been awarded the status of Senior Accredited Therapist by Rated Therapies.
Training Courses

Last year I delivered an all-day training workshop for a group of twenty counsellors at the invitation of The Counselling Partnership on “Integrating the Inner Child - Unconditionally" which included an introduction to using the Trauma Egg and Rewind techniques when working with our client’s early traumas.
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Continuing Professional Development
My commitment to continued professional development includes study courses and certification in areas which are both important and of particular interest to me.
The training course enables therapists working with couples in relationship counselling to recognise the differeing dynamics with two clients, who may be struggling with problems in their relationship but wanting to work together through the issues that they are facing.
Practitioner of the Rewind Technique for PTSD and trained by Dr David Muss M.D. founder of IARTT (International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy).
The training course for working with Young People includes the outcomes listed in the "Introduction to Counselling Young People in the BACP 'Counselling Young People (11-18 years) Training Curriculum'.
Understanding the child protection issues that organisations and people working with young people can face, as well as legislation and the rights of children.
Understanding the importance of the counsellor's role and responsibilities within the school setting.
Learning about key concepts in legal and ethical terms on good practice in mental health work with children and young people including ethical frameworks, capacity, competence, consent and confidentiality.
Understanding emotional well-being in young people and the epidemiology of some common mental health problems at this age, as well as the organisation of adolescent mental health services in England and Wales
Understanding self-harm among young people.
Gaining an overview of the assessment and management of self-harm in respect of young people who present to health service, providing guidance on the role of primary care, emergency departments and hospital services.
Assessing a young person presenting with emotional or psychological problems and identifying strategies for distinguishing transient minor psychological problems from more serious ones.
Understanding the features of some of the most common, and some of the most serious of mental health disorders in adolescence and the characteristics that may help distinguish them from each other; including some of the important stages of assessing a young person presenting with mental health problems, particularly when these seem more complex.
Understanding some of the broad issues to consider when managing common or potentially serious mental health problems in young people. Concentrating on generic principles including ethical considerations, the timeliness of intervention, and the involvement of parents.
Understanding some of the practical approaches, that should be considered in the general management of a young person, alongside the current guidelines for the management of specific mental health problems, including pharmacological interventions which may also be indicated for certain conditions, but should always be prescribed in conjunction with non-pharmacological support.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a therapeutic approach based on the premise that emotions are the key to our relational way of being in the world. It is closely interwoven with Attachment Theory which explores the way we construct our view of who we are during childhood.
Single Session Therapy (SST) has been devloped and practiced by Dr Windy Dryden and explores ways in which both counsellor and client can focus on change within a single session of therapy.
World renowned psychotherapist and philosopher Irvin D. Yalom shared his most important personal insights on how to navigate life's existential questions and crises.
This training is designed to support professionals to deliver the best possible service during these unprecedented times. To understand and be able to reduce the risk of spreading the disease and deliver the best possible safe service under current changing circumstances.
World renowned psychotherapist Professor Ernesto Spinelli teaches the core philosophy and methods of existential therapy.